J02 Mechanic
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J02 Mechanic
The history of J02 Mechanic Exotank
Even during the first Exotank battle encounters on Mars, the need for mobile "support stations" for battle groups has appeared. After the Confederate forces defeat during the Farside Battle, the best military factories on Earth received the order to develop a new support tank. Many modifications were designed, but the years of war showed the effectiveness of a few of them. "J02 Mechanic" is considered to be one of the oldest and most effective developments of the Welund military plant.
The first operational tests showed that a platoon reinforced by the J02 Mechanic Exotank was able to fight 15% longer against superior enemy forces (See Report S14-02 on assaults on the Syndicate colonies). And after the model was supplemented with the camouflage system - the effectiveness has increased even more.
The encounter with the Syndicate combined forces in the Night Labyrinth lasted four Martian days. And only thanks to competent positions and the Mechanics operators' support was it possible to oust the enemy. Since then, this Exotank has been listed by the Confederates as the standard battle unit for supporting medium and large platoons.
Of course, the Syndicate has now managed to get over a dozen of these Exotanks at its disposal, so the power balance on the Mars battlefields is leveling again.
Main characteristics of J02 Mechanic
● Strength: 300 units (low)
● Max. speed: 70 km / h (average)
● Weapon:
● Rate of fire: low
● Shot Damage: 28 units
● Average Damage per Second: 10 (Low)
● Range: 300 m (high)
● Capabilities efficiency: very high
● Armor: 110/40/0: high
Battle range
● The Mechanic is most effective if it keeps its range from the fire contact zone.
● The Mechanic can fire at enemies at a range of up to 300 m, while they will not even be able to detect it, thanks to the "Ambush" capabilities.
● Thanks to the "Sniper mode" the Mechanic can survey the battlefield, staying away from it.
● Mechanic capabilities also work at a great distance.
Main capabilities
● "Ambush" is a fundamental Exotank capability that forms the main tactics.
● If Mechanic does not move and there are no enemies nearby (at a distance of 100 m) - the Mechanic would be invisible.
● The Mechanic can apply capabilities; shoot up enemies while being invisible
● It is important to monitor at what distance the enemies are (the distance is indicated above the Exotanks), and in time to move to the safe zone, while remaining invisible
● "Droid Saboteur" is the attacking support capability.
● Exotank sends a droid. When this droid " hangs" over the enemy - this enemy takes 1.5 times more damage.
● This capability can serve as a "command" to allies - on which enemy you need to focus the fire - "bring in focus ".
● Saboteur easily compensates for the armored tanks strength, and allows allies to destroy fragile tanks in a few seconds.
● "Repair Droid" is the most effective healing capability during the game.
● Exotank sends a droid. When the droid "hangs" over ally, the ally's strength is quickly restored.
● This capability allows fragile stormtroopers to stay in battle longer, and makes strong "defenders" almost invulnerable
● "Self-repair" - the easy way to quickly restore strength during the battle.
● The Mechanic performs self repairing; simple and fast.
● If nevertheless the enemy identifies the Mechanic, this capability will allow you to quickly restore strength and again go into "ambush".
● Thanks to the "Ambush" and "Self-repair" features, Mechanic may never be killed during the whole game.
● "Sniper Mode" - additional capability that makes it easier to fight at a distance.
● This is a standard ranged Exotank capability. It allows you to view the battlefield "through the sight".
● You can shoot and apply capabilities while using the sight.
● We recommend not to use the sight too often. Indeed, it allows the player to better aim at the enemy and see the battle details, but it is not noticeable when the enemy got close and whether the droids are ready to launch.
AriaT200 main weapon
● Low fire rate, high accuracy and range.
● The Mechanic is not able 1x1 destroy the enemy Exotank, the firepower would not be enough.
● The most effective use of the weapon is to shoot at the enemy under the "saboteur droid" or to finish off enemies with low Hit Points (HP) (strength).
Exotank modification during the battle
● "Alpha Saboteur" (rank 2)
● Prevents enemies from gaining strength while under the influence of Saboteur droid
● This modification is effective if the enemy team has Exotanks, which quickly restore strength to themselves or others. For example "Mechanic" or "Dragon".
● "Alpha repairer" (rank 2)
● Accelerates strength recovery from Repair Droid
● The modification is effective in frequent and dense battle encounters
● "Improved invisibility" (rank 3)
● The tank can move and remain invisible.
● The modification is effective if battle encounters take place in different places on the map.
● "Improved self-repair" (rank 3)
● While the Mechanic is restoring itself - it cannot be damaged.
● This modification is effective if the enemy often target the "Mechanic", often attack it.
General tips for battle with Mechanic
● Try to take positions at a distance from the battle, but with a good view.
● Try to be in invisibility as long as possible - that is, stay away from enemies and not move.
● But nevertheless, it is better to change position if the enemies have approached closer or the allies have disappeared from your sight.
● The Mechanic's task is not to capture control points or kill enemies. Its task is to send drones to enemies and allies in time.
● Try to use drones as often as possible - as soon as the drone returns to the hull - it can be launched again immediately!